Cover story. Guilt for four ~ Agnieszka Grodzińska
“Cover Story. Guilt for Four” consists of four drawings made on printouts of covers of books by Thomas Hardy, Truman Capote, Margaret Mitchell and Fedor Dostoevsky. The author Agnieszka Grodzińska plays with the form of these covers and juggles with the content they hide using coloured pencils, pencils and inks to depict her own and borrowed symbols. All of this makes each set of drawings unique and unrepeatable.
A complete set of drawings in: .PDF
Available editions: 1,3,4,7,13,15
format: 335 x 230 mm x 4
one-color offset print + mixed media
paper: Alto 120 gsm
edition: 15 (+6AE)
prize: 80 EURO + shipping
All copies are numbered and signed by the author.
© MORAVA 2010, Agnieszka Grodzińska